Volume 02, Issue 04

S.No.Paper TitleAuthor(s) NamePagesFull Text
1.The Effects of Financial Management Practices on SMEs Financial Performance: Evidence of Nangarhar, AfghanistanJehad Hussain, Irfan Ullah Stanikzai1-15Download
2.Uncovering the Differentiation and Agency of Peasants within Palm Oil Production in Ghana: Reviewing the LiteratureErnest Darkwa, Gloria Erica Atrsiku16-22Download
3.Greed or Grievance for Explaining Civil Wars: Revisiting the LiteratureGloria Erica Atsriku, Ernest Darkwa23-36Download
4.How Will De-growing the Economy Be? A blend of the De-growth Narrative in Enhancing Livelihoods and DevelopmentGloria Erica Atsriku37-41Download
5.What Happens in A Change Management Process? Revisiting Ghana’s Polytechnic EducationErnest Darkwa42-47Download